Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dancing light

So fantastic to see the full CD cloud in place - several times I got completely distracted from what I was doing watching the light bounce around the space. Can't wait to see the children's reaction to it.
Another clip of dancing light is on my face book page . What do you think?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

CD cloud

I just realised I have n't posted a picture of the grand design. You'll just have to keep checking back and watch it unfold.
CD mechanism for the moving cloud on the mural wall.
Some of you have heard me speaking about a CD cloud. A way to reuse, recycle re-purpose CD's and have them actively moving and generating light, reflections and adding a huge amount to the space. So I've had this idea since the start of the project nearly. I think it will work brilliantly. It comprises of a CD, raw plug, screw and washer.
The inspiration for this came from a big advertising sign that I noticed in my youth - do you remember the Guinness sign on the railway bridge beside Butt Bridge in Dublin? I'm trying to find a photograph of it but no success yet. Advertising at it's most expensive in the 70's and 80's. The sign used to shimmer because it was made of these tiny little disc's with holes in them and nailed to the sign. They operated like sequences, I always found it fascinating and wondered who originally nailed all those disc's and nails in!
So the cloud on the mural wall it shimmers and moves about and well see this little video on my Facebook page. When the full cloud is up I'll make a film of the moving bits and place that on the blog.
I'm really excited to see what it looks like up, shimmering on the wall - tomorrow!

Monday, December 12, 2011

We've come along way baby...

so the project has moved from this

Little Daisies play area September 2011 
to this
Little Daisies play area December 2011
and I am not finished yet. This is just the background painting. But it is amazing how the colour changes the space in a few simple brush strokes. Love that my work and the better space project facilitates that and is creating better space for the children and staff of Little Daises.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Wind is a rather abstract thing to discuss and work with children on.
But the easiest way to talk about it is through blowing bubbles and lightly blowing in each others faces.
By week 5 in the project research I knew that it was better to start in a circle time, explore the topic and talk about what we were going to make and do.
We made little paper and straw windmills. It had mixed success as the pins were not long enough and for children age 3 - 4 and a half the precision cutting was tricky. But out we went to the play area with out windmills and soapy bubble mix.
I made this! wind exploration #betterspace


Well really for small children that should read MUCK! Said in a very particular way so that you swing out of the M and K.
Gravity - the difference between stamping and waving your feet in the air. Jumping and standing. Don't get to intellectual about it just get the kids to notice what they feel. That's enough for them to be aware there is a difference and a pull of their feet to the ground.
In keeping with the fact that we will be developing a small garden during this project I thought what better way to introduce the idea then a flower pot of muck. So in the morning I went digging muck and worm hunting.
Worms are great for small kids. Muck is great to. Get them to smell it, look at it.
I introduced the plate of muck by saying I had brought some timid visitors who were hiding. I asked would they like to meet them? I'm always concious when working with children that someone will have a sensory issue or reaction to the piece of work I am offering to them or indeed me so I take it really slowly. Keep it simple - thats what I worked with this week.
Nearly all of the children wanted to hold the worm, they listened really well and passed the worm gently from palm to palm, really respecting these wriggly friends. We spoke about what loved to eat worms - birds. Someone asked what worms ate? Muck. In the morning I worked in three rooms and in the afternoon the toddler and after school group. Really enjoyed meeting some of the team drop in group too.
Who would have thought that a plate of muck and worms could be so exciting!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fire - light/Sun

For under 5 years old fire is a big safety issue so we talked about light and sun.
I brought in a window crystal that refracted the sunlight into spinning rainbows.
It was amazing to see each child in turn try to catch the ethereal light.
The tricky piece was no sun in the play ground before 12 so we had to go to the car park which is unused space fine for the older group but not suitable for the preschool class.
light reflecting & refracting #betterspace
We also covered plastic plates with tin foil. The idea was to bounce light and reflect it like you would with a mirror - but because of health and safety reasons I could not use mirrors. I thought this would work better but the sunshine was not continuousness enough.
What did work really well was this was the week before Halloween so there had been talk of fire in both classes and the older room had a pumpkin hollowed out with a candle in it - which was a perfect tie in.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I'm finalising my plans for my devised creativity session with the children and staff on Wednesday morning in Gorey Youth Needs.
On the list of supplies: pipes and tubing, bamboo sticks, garden twine, rope, funnels, bottles, balls, duct tape, measuring jugs, whisks, food colouring, glass bowl and vase.
Design notes. Roisin Markham 2011.
The session will happen outdoors and be full on splash and play. The idea is to explore what the children are naturally curious about and build that into the design of an interactive wall.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Distilling ideas in to a plan of action

I've spent half of today thinking about the practicalities of the next phase of research.
How do I bring the 4 elements to children 0 - 5 years?